What's inside
Our capsule is specifically formulated with 600 mg of NAC- just the right dose to support women health. NAC can help you get your cycle back on track especially for those trying to conceive naturally. Does not contain soy, salt, yeast, gluten, milk and eggs products, sugar, starch or preservatives.

NAC has been used to treat PCOS, menstrual cycle disorders and ovulatory dysfunction.
Research shows that the pregnancy in patients who supplement NAC is three times higher than in patients who do not, with the former reporting a higher live birth rate.
Research speaks for itself.
Periconceptional Folate Supplementation in Women after Bariatric Surgery
Folate supplementation is associated with higher live birth rates after assisted reproductive technology treatment and reduced risk of congenital heart defects.
5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate) vs folicacid: a key to pregnancy outcom
A physiological dose of 5-MTHF (800 μg) bypasses the MTHFR block and is suggested to be an effective treatment for couples with fertility problems.