Ingredients matter.
We formulated the Base Blend to support Thyroid Function and provide additional Calcium. The Thyroid Gland is critical to our overall hormonal health and balance.
The Base Blend includes: 1,000 mg of CALCIUMM150 mcg of IODINE60 mcg of SELENIUM

Iodine and selenium are responsible for the production and metabolism of thyroid hormones.
That’s why we formulated the Base Blendwith just the essential nutrients you need tosupport your thyroid health.
Research speaks for itself.
Role of iodine, selenium andother micronutrients in thyroidfunction and disorders
Selenium is an important constituentof enzymes involved in thyroid hormone regulationand in protecting thyroid from free radicals attackas in autoimmune thyroid diseases. Iodine is anessential component of thyroid hormones.