What’s inside
1 capsule contains 1,200 mg of fish oil, 600 mg of DHA and 800 mg of EPA. These omega-3/6/9 fatty acids help to support mental sharpness, fatigue, vision and inflammation (including period cramps)*.

Fish oil has strong anti-inflammatory effects and can help reduce symptoms of inflammatory diseases.
Studies show that fish oil supplements can significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and medication needs in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Research speaks for itself.
DHA supplementation and pregnancy outcomes
A supplement of 600 mg DHA/d in the last half of gestation resulted in over all greater gestation duration and infantsize. A reduction in early preterm and very-low birth weight could be outcomes of DHA supplementation.
DHA Supplementation: Current Implications in Pregnancy and Childhood
The essential role of DHA inneurological development during the pre- and postnatal periods has been defined.

Alternative sources of DHA/EPA
If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, don’t worry
– you can still get your fatty acids through
supplementation with algae oil DHA/EPA.
Shop our Nourish Me Algae Oil DHA to get a
30-day supply of the omega-3 fatty acids you need
to support your health.